Get rid of spelling issues
Fix your grammatical errors
Eliminate punctuation issues
Make your text shine!

Why You Should Mind Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation of Your Thesis

There are several reasons why you should mind your grammar, punctuation and spelling when writing your thesis. Here are some of the reasons:

  • ✓ Proper grammar and punctuation enhance comprehension. The professor will understand your problem statement and solutions with ease.
  • ✓ Punctuation and good grammar ensure clarity of ideas. A few missed punctuations may lead to the entire paragraph being misunderstood and misinterpreted.
  • ✓ Proper grammar shows that you understand what you are saying and not putting together pieces of information to fill the required length.
  • ✓ It helps enhance the conciseness of your content as you write each section in a few words.

What Are the Consequences of Submitting a Paper Without a Thesis Check?

If you submit work that is not well checked, several consequences are likely to follow you. Check some of them below:

consequences of submitting a paper without thesis proofreading
  • ✓ You are likely to get a very low score for your thesis. This might have a huge impact on completing your course.
  • ✓ You are likely to submit plagiarised work, which may lead to expulsion from the college and other far-reaching consequences to your career.
  • ✓ Your thesis might not answer the question posed in the problem statement, which would render the entire paper useless.

You need to proofread your work thoroughly before submitting it. Use a thesis checker to make the entire process fast and effective.

What Are the Options for Revising Your Essay?

If you are wondering, “How will I revise my thesis?” There are two main options available to check your work: manual proofreading and the use of a thesis editor. Each of the methods has its pros and cons. This section provides a quick look at the benefits and cons of each to help in your selection.

Manual Proofreading

Manual thesis editing involves going through your work to fix any errors. You need to have enough time and have a good grasp of English so that you do not miss any error that needs fixing.


  • ✓ You can fix errors depending on the context of your content, leading to better comprehension
  • ✓ If you are good at English, the method is easy as you just read through your work
  • ✓ You do not spend cash on any premium thesis analyzer in the market.


  • ✓ Manual proofreading is time-consuming
  • ✓ You are likely to miss some critical mistakes if you proofread in a hurry or do not have a good grasp of English

Using a Thesis Grammar and Punctuation Checker

You may use a thesis checker tool to find and fix grammar and spelling errors in your work. You can go for a free thesis checker tool or go for the premium product.


  • ✓ A thesis grammar and punctuation checker does in-depth content analysis to unravel and fix issues
  • ✓ It speeds up the process of editing your work with higher effectiveness
  • ✓ It comes with various features bundled into one, which offers comprehensive thesis fixing
  • ✓ The thesis grammar checker free tool is an excellent companion for those without a good grasp of English


  • ✓ Some suggestions may not fit your style and context
  • ✓ You will need to cross-check your work after using the online thesis rater

What Difficulties Can You Face When Searching for a Thesis Helper?

There are over five thesis helper free tools on the internet. However, these thesis graders are not created equal. You will find a wide variance in the number of available features and ease of use. This may make it quite difficult for users to pick the best tool. Here are some of the difficulties that they may face:

  1. Determining the most important features to proofread the thesis effectively. Some tools may not show all the features at once.
  2. Determining the free dissertation checker with the best security features. Other tools may capture your work.
  3. Examining several tools to find out which of them is easy to use. This may require you to try each tool with a portion of your work.
  4. Having to switch tools when one does not work as expected. This can be tedious and time-consuming.

Choosing the best thesis checker is vital to the effectiveness of your paper revision. While the selection process may take some time, it is worth the effort. Read reviews and cross-check available features in the best ones that you pick so that you end up with one that meets your needs.

Tips and Tricks on Selecting Thesis Checker Online

You should keep in mind various things when looking for a tool whose results can be trusted. Here are the most salient considerations:

how to choose thesis checker
  1. Pick a tool with various features. Where possible, pick a free dissertation checker that has a grammar, punctuation, spelling and plagiarism checker in one. It saves you the time you may have spent putting your work in different checkers to find different types of errors.
  2. Check the security of the thesis editor. It is essential that it does not capture your work as this may expose it to third-parties. Where that feature is available, the tool should prompt you to create your account so that you are in control of what is saved in the tool and what is discarded.
  3. Pick a tool that is easy to use. The tool should have a copy and paste editor or have an import feature to help you paste the work and export it with ease when you are done. Besides, it should have an easy to use design and should be accessible online without having to download it. You can go for a downloadable application, but there should be an online option.
  4. Read reviews from users on the internet. They will tell what is wrong with any tool that they are using for dissertation proofreading online. While none of the tools does have any cons, pick a tool with more positives than cons.

Our Online Thesis Checker Helps Deal with these Issues

Once you learn how to check grammar and spelling in a dissertation using a software tool, consider picking our online thesis checker. It has several inbuilt features that make your thesis proofreading a lot easier. We have created a tool that is easy to use thanks to its interactive design and a great structure that allows for easy navigation. The solid free thesis check tool checks a number of issues in your papers and recommended fixes in real-time. This dissertation grammar checker is available online and does not require you to download it to rate your thesis.

In addition, it solves the questions of students who wonder, “What tool will rate my college thesis free?” This is because we do not require you to sign up and pay for a trial before using our tool. Read on to find the features that you can use to polish and perfect your paper.

What are the Features of Our Thesis Grader?

These features will help in your dissertation proofreading online.

Grammar and Spelling Checker

We have a comprehensive grammar and spelling tool to check grammar of thesis online and fix issues to do with spelling, grammar, poor word choice, and syntax errors. The intelligent thesis analyzer makes suggestions depending on the context of your work and style. It underlines the issues and suggests solutions for you to consider with your work. Different issues come with different underlines so that you know what error you are looking at.

Plagiarism Checker

Our plagiarism checker highlights areas of your work that might have been copied from other sources. This helps you cite such sources or change the wording for the part of the content. Our plagiarism checker reliable and does not miss any source online.

Headline and Spacing Checker

Our tool is able to check proper nouns, wrong capitalizations and extra spacing between words and sentences. It also works as a proper sentence subject finder. This helps to ensure that your writing is easy to understand and follow the rules of writing. You can use the tool to check your headlines and topics and improve them.

Punctuation Checker

It is easy to forget a comma, period or parenthesis at any point in your writing. Our tool is accurate at detecting any missing and wrongly-used punctuations in your writing. It suggests the best choices based on the grammar suggestions that it makes.

How to Polish Your Thesis with Our Free Thesis Checker

As said earlier, we have a comprehensive tool to review dissertations online. Therefore, if you are a student that is asking, “Help me fix my thesis”, this is the tool to pick. Here are a few steps to use the tool:

how to use free dissertation checker
  1. Head to our website using your browser
  2. Once the page is loaded, click the import feature to export your work to the tool. Alternatively, you can just copy and paste the work on the site.
  3. Once done, start the detection procedure. The tool will find and make suggestions of the fixes to the errors that it finds
  4. You can now go through the work and make changes on the editor as per the suggestions made by the software
  5. Once complete, import the work or just copy it again and post it on your word processor.

You can read our guide on how to analyze a thesis so that it stands out among your peers. This tool makes your editing work a lot easier and fast.

Try our online dissertation checker to edit and perfect your writing!